The other day as I walked out the door past my Bible, I thought to myself ,"Why is it so hard for my faith to grow now that I'm out of school? It was so easy at ______ (insert any Christian college name here." Then, I realized I struggled to ready my Bible then as much as I do now. My faith grew stronger in college because of mandatory chapel three times a week. It had nothing to do with my own personal choices.
Reading the Word has always been something I'll do 'whenever' I get through the busy stages of life. I'll read after this project is over. I'll have more time in the summer. After I get my job and move away. But after you get that first job, there's no more guaranteed next step. Nothing coming around the bend that I have to prepare for before I move on. In all reality I'm in a place where I will stay for a few years. So I had no more excuses.
Last week I started reading a chapter of the Bible before I went to bed. And I know it's cliched, but it's made a difference. I'm reading through Revelation right now, and there are definitely some things to ponder in that chapter. I can already tell reading the Word has effected my everyday life. I think about scripture more during the day, and I definitely pray more when conflict comes up in life.
So here I am, probably trying to grow for the first time in my life. And I feel stronger.
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